The other day, Liv noticed a deal on AOLwhere had free searches available on the complete 1930 US census. On a whim she entered her Great Grandpa Hans Asper's name, and found it (That was pretty easy, as there were only two entries - one in South Dakota, and another in Illinois). [note: Those free searches might only work if you are using AOL. When I tried it with a regular browser, it seemed to want me to buy a subscription.]
Digging a little more I went for Andersons and Petersons! (brings to mind another joke from Paul's joke book, about lakes in Minnesota). It took a little more time, but I did find Mae (May) and Fred! Here is a portion of their entries (click on the link for a blow-up):
You can search for more on - I have the full pages downloaded, but they are pretty big - I can print them out and bring them to the next family gathering.