Thursday, January 08, 2004

Hi Everyone,
I have an urgent request. My mom, Pat, has been having several problems lately with her health. Today she went into emergency and had a cat scan done. They found a 4" x 6" tumor in her lower stomach area. They arent sure if it is malignant yet, but she is going to the Mayo Clinic tomorrow to have it tested. Either way, she is going to have to have surgery to remove it. Cancer is extremely common in my family and as most of you know, two of my moms brothers died last year of it. So, I am very concerned and worried about her. Please please everyone pray for her. Thanks.

birthday boy

hello everyone. thankyou teresa, pete and joel for your wonderfully thoughtful birthday wellwishes. I am at school right now in 5th hour. It is kind of boring. it seems like everytime I am in the computerlab I end up posting something on the blog. My birthday has been very good so far. in gym today I won the badminton(my mother corrected my spelling of this word after veiwing my last entry) singles tournament in gym today with a resounding score of 11-0 in the final match. I have to look up some pictures of beyonce knowles on the internet. they are due at the end of the hour. camille(the girl sitting next to me) sends hedr love to everyone in the anderson family and whoever else might be reading this. I look forward to seeing everyone at my birthday party this weekend. sorry paul but I had to open your card early for lunch money. joel I like the tennis joke. alright everyone, have a nice day. peace.


Happy Birthday, Stevie!

Happy 4 years with your adopted family, Koko!

That sounds like a stressful start to a job interview, Nancy.

Happy Birthday Stevie! Try not to go to too many R-rated movies now, they're over-rated.
Q: What number is also a sport?

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A: Ten is.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

elevator troubles

I gave platelets this morning and watched "You've Got Mail." Joe Fox gets stuck on an elevator for an hour and makes important decisions while trapped. This afternoon I went to the Memorial Blood Center's new facility in Eden Prairie (for a job interview) and as soon as the elevator door closed, the lights went out... it was TOTALLY DARK. After a couple of minutes the lights came on, but the elevator wouldn't move and wouldn't open. Eventually I got out, but had a really tough time getting up to the second floor. (The stairway was roped off and had a sign saying, "Use elevator.") I climbed over the ropes and snuck in. Have a great day. Nancy

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STEPHEN! How well I remember January 8, 1987. We waited until after midnight to go in to the hospital, (We didn't have to pay for Jan. 7!) then Dr. Komoto went to the wrong hospital. You were born at 3:13 a.m. HAPPY DAY FOR US! We're proud of "OUR THREE SONS." Love, Mom
First Color Photograph taken on another planet's surface:

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

the boring day

once upon a time there was a little boy who went to school today. when he arrived at school he could not open his locker because he had forgotten the combination over break. then he was late for first hour but it was all good. in gym class he played badmitten and had a lot of fun. at lunch he put dorritos on his pizza and it was really good but the other children made fun of him. right now he is fifth hour. it has been a lackluster day so far. I think he will visit the love calculator for a little pick him up. heidi klum here he comes

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Here's something I thought many of you would find interesting. Pictures from the Mars Rover:

Martian Landing