Friday, May 13, 2005

just had some fun with Paul's birthday photo of grandma/mom. colorized it and cleaned it up a little.. hope you like it!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mom in 1953 Posted by Hello

This is a picture Paul scanned in - this being Mom's birthday month, and just having celebrated Mother's day, it seemed fitting to share it on the blog. Paul notes that Dad wrote on this one Mae and the clouds . . . nice profile . . . 5/31/53.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone.. This year my parents gave me some money to spend on what i wanted to get - so what did I get? A Kubb set of course! I even got as ambitious as to paint my kubb set in Swedish colors. Next family outing we'll all have to play!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Happy Birthday Peter! May the Cake be with you.

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(Use the fork, Peter! Use the fork!)

Happy birth/mother's day

Happy birthday Peter. Happy Mother's Day Nancy! Thanks to Peter's arrival 29 years ago today Nancy is celebrating her 30th mother's day as a mother. Thanks for all the great mothering. Nancy is celebrating her mother's day by helping her parents for a week while
her mom is rehabilitating from a broken hip and surgery.