Friday, August 06, 2004

growing old...

Hey everyone,
Before we start bashing AARP on this site, remember there might actually be some MEMBERS of AARP reading. Actually, it comes with many benefits including discounts on motel rooms, and a great magazine with pictures on the cover of celebrities turning 50 (e.g., Cybil Shepherd, Kevin Spacey). And a great organization that is looking out for the interests of the old and near-old. As Grandpa Simpson would say "Gimme, gimme, gimme, I'm old..."

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Dedicated to Nancy

Yes, I do have a little radio station, and yes, it does broadcast (narrowcast?) to the yard - actually as high as the second story and from the alley to the front sidewalk, if you're lucky. It has been very nice sitting out in the yard and listening to a wide variety of music.

I don't take any phone-in requests, but in the 400+ songs I have a couple of Gustavus Adolphus college songs (from a CD Paul has). If you like, we can say "Children of the Heavenly Father" is dedicated to you!

Monday, August 02, 2004

Not interesting maybe, but I'm interested...

I always enjoy your great pictures and interesting posts.
Ingrid, when my family visited Rocky Mt. Nat'l Park my brother Pete was frustrated that I kept wanting to stop to see and photograph the beautiful flowers in the lovely alpine meadows. "If you've seen one flower, you've seen them all." I didn't let him discourage me...
Joel, do you seriously have a radio station that only travels 200 yards? Do you have call-in shows? Do you take requests? When I was in high school, I had a song dedicated to me anonymously. The song was "Big Bad John." I never quite knew how to feel about that...
Liv, I'm happy you're back safely from Chicago. Bless you for going.
Well, family... this is the second time I tried to post this. If it doesn't work, I'm going to bed. If it does work, I'm also going to bed. Good night. Have a great week. Nancy

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Officially old...

Although my 50-year-old friends mentioned getting their AARP cards in the mail, I had not received one, and thought perhaps the board of directors remembered our clash back in '85 after my "Newsweek" editorial. But, lo and behold, it came just this week. The following is a picture of me burning it (slightly enhanced, as it just smoldered in a rather unsatisfying manner).