Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Hey Everyone,
It's the NY Andersons, all 4 of us are here now enjoying Mae and Ingrid's b-day and Mae's graduation. Thanks for all the good wishes. Mae and Ingrid were 27 yesterday -- (Is that what the math was saying in Mark and Nancy's message?);
The weather is great and we've been enjoying our visit, including the Columbia J-school boat tour which went far enough up the Hudson so we could see Mae's apartment, the Museum of Natural History and even saw a movie about ancient Greece. We (heart) NY. Mae graduates today and then back to Atlanta for L and J, and Ingrid is staying through the weekend.

John, Lynda, Mae and Ingrid

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Mae and Ingrid! I hope you have a wonderful exciting birthday!

Happy Birthday Two You's!

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Monday, May 17, 2004

Greetings to the Andersons "Outside of Minnesota"

Congratulations, Mae, on your graduation from your program at Columbia U. !

Happy Birthday, Ingrid and Mae! 3 x 9 = 12 candles for each of you = 24 candles... Have a great birthday tomorrow.

Let us hear all about your family celebration in New York.

Love, Mark & Nancy