Friday, September 19, 2003

Hey from Bloomington

Hey y'all.
Well, it's great to be done riding, but the bike ride went really well. Really great weather and a pretty strenuous tour. If you like fields of corn, soybeans, tobacco, old barns and lots of hills, try southern Indiana. The town of Madison, an old riverboat town on the Ohio river was nice -- kind of like Redwing. I'm at Ingrid's apartment and the pizza just arrived. L8r,

Well shiver me timbers!! that be true to life pirate speak! Ahoy Mae "Peg Leg" - your matey,

Peter "Salty Dog" Anderson

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Thanks, Ingrid. Matt and I will have to visit Indiana some day. Sounds nice. How's your research going?


Indiana Andersons

Hello from Indiana,

I went to visit Dad last night at Spring Mill State Park, which is about 45 minutes south (by car) of Bloomington. He was on his fourth day of riding his recumbent bicycle through miles and miles of rural Indiana, with two more days to go. It was good that I got to visit him, as 'hills' and 'miles' seemed to be the main subjects of conversation with the other bicyclists, a surprising number of whom also rode recumbent bicycles. We went to visit an historic mill, built in 1817, that is a main attraction of the state park and had dinner at the 'Windmill Buffet'. We've had beautiful weather the past fews days here in Indiana--I wouldn't mind being outside all day myself. More from Dad on the ride when he finishes on Friday!

Nice photos, Teresa! Hope you had a happy birthday, Janelle.

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

When you find a good photo op...

I realized that I have used the same dinosaur in the Rapid City park as a prop for three pictures taken over a period of almost 40 years. The first is of my parents, cousin Ann, and dog, Sam, circa 1966. The second photo is of Norris in 1986. The third was taken this summer on our way to the Rez.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Arrr.... anyone want to talk like a pirate?

September 19th, mateys!

Monday, September 15, 2003