Monday, March 17, 2003

Sorry to hear about your mom, Maria. Norris and I are in Chicago at the National Immunization Conference. We are having some interesting experiences. I was supposed to meet with a world famous virologist today with Deborah (the IAC boss) as she wanted to introduce me to him. I got an emergency cell phone message saying that Deborah's flight had been cancelled and I had to meet Stanley Plotkin at the bar by myself. The worst part was I only had a picture of him from the program (as he was the evening's special guest lecturer) and I couldn't find anyone who looked like that. Turns out the picture was 20 years old, but I did approach the right person and ended up having to make conversation with him for half an hour. It was pretty awkward; but now I can say that the man who developed the rubella vaccine bought me a Diet Coke!

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