Thursday, July 06, 2006

Koko and Mama, together again

Well, today I circumvented my two-month review by quitting instead. The boss agreed the work was slow and boring, so she wasn't totally surprised that I wasn't challenged. Because I was still a probationary employee, she said there was no reason for me to hang around two weeks, so I cleaned things up and walked out in an hour (only forgetting two pieces of art). I was quite a sight on the bus with all my photographs, boxes of treats, backpack, lunch bag, and little pink pillow. Fortunately, Deborah has been kind enough to find me some work to do back at IAC. I would feel sillier except for a headline yesterday about Jose Canseco asking the San Diego Surf Dawgs to trade him after one game in which he struck out three times!

1 comment:

Joel said...

Maybe this quote that came up on a web page today is appropriate:

Josh Billings - "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself."