Wednesday, February 15, 2006

They got my letter!!

Yesterday's NYTimes (2/14) had an article, If Robots Ever Get Too Smart, He'll Know How to Stop Them, about a book by Dr. David Wilson. A roboticist, Wilson
"offers detailed — and hilariously deadpan — advice on evading hostile swarms of robot insects (don't try to fight — "loss of an individual robot is inconsequential to the swarm")"

BUT... I had to write a letter to the NYTimes because the ORIGINAL version of the article read "In Isaac Asimov's collection of stories, "I, Robot," robots rise up against humanity." Gaack! *ANYONE* who knows about Asimov's books knows that his stories NEVER have robots turn on people. The author of the article must have thought the movie "I Robot" was based on Asimov's books (it wasn't - the title and little else came from his stories.)

Anyway... it was interesting to note that later in the day, the lead sentence was changed to: In the movie "I, Robot," robots rise up against humanity.

They got my letter!

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