Monday, May 26, 2003

Smiling through my tears...

Last night both Liv and Norris went on an evening walk with Koko and me. We were commenting on a very large hopscotch grid chalked on a sidewalk; it included about 40 squares and directions such as "fall down and break a leg." I was pointing out how the retaining wall next to the sidewalk had a smiley face drawn on every block, when I tripped over a small rock (the hopscotch rock?) and began a terrible, slow-motion fall flat on the sidewalk. I laid there crying and bleeding and being licked in the face by Koko until my children finally got me up and moved to the retaining wall. I was skinned up and covered with dirt, elm seeds, and chalk, but had spared my teeth. When we finally got going again, Norris and Liv couldn't help laughing because in addition to my dishelved appearance, I now had a smiley face imprinted on my butt!

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