Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Ascii Art

Ascii Art is a fun way to make pictures,

( ; ,\
,-' ,-. //,-,:\'.
_ ,' _ `-'// >',',-.\
/ \ ,' (_) //,',' `-' :
/`-'\ /,-. //',' _ |
: _ : : `-' _//,' (_) |
|\/ \/| : (//') _ ;
|| || `._.,-. `-' _ (_) /
|| || ,','/;. (_) ,'
|| || `-' // \ _.'
|| || // `-..-''

and fortunately there are a lot of people who like to do it - that way I can go to the Ascii Art Dictionary to find pictures (like the ones I did yesterday). Then I use different editors to fix up the picture for posting to the blog. "Email Effects" from is a nice one - and you can use it for free.

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