Thursday, April 15, 2004


Okay, I will have a birthday party for myself on May 2. Perhaps we will fulfill my life's ambition and dance around a Maypole.

Peter, we don't remember you asking this question because we (and Matt and Janelle) know where the grave is, but your method is probably better anyway as it is hard to describe to anyone else. We are pretty good at finding Fred and Mae's and Ernest and Anna's graves, but once wandered for about an hour trying to find my grandparents'. When my parents were in Pensacola recently, they visited the national cemetery there and were surprised at the differences. There were many more religious symbols than we see at Fort Snelling and we had to look them up on the VA website to figure out what my mother was describing over the cell phone ( Joel really likes the atheist one, so is thinking about modifying it... Also, at the Pensacola cemetery, the markers for cremated individuals had space for a short blurb on the bottom. They saw "Gone fishin'" and "Big Momma."

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