Saturday, January 24, 2004

oh, i have a girlfriend. she's real cool.

check out for the first part of a journal entry that i wrote sitting ina plaza watching street preachers. peace.

alive and, well, alive

hello everyone. I am still here. the surgery went well as my mother already informed all of you. thanks to everyone who sent email greeting to me in the hospital. if anybody wants to chill, I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. well, I'll let you go now. peace.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Good News

Hi everyone. Good news. Stevie is relieved to be on this side of his surgery. The surgeon said it was the best possible result, getting all of the cyst intact and preliminary microscopic check indicates it is benign...complete path. report on Monday.
He was really happy to get those great e-mail get well wishes. He slept most of the afternoon and didn't actually read them until this evening. They really perked him up!
Tomorrow morning we'll know if he will come home Friday or Saturday.
Have a great day, y'all. Love, Nancy


that last post of mine, from two minutes ago seemed a little somber for this crowd. I am not really as depressed or whatever as it might have suggested. I actually had a pretty good day. the start of the quarter was on tuesday and some of my classes were not to my liking. I switched out of orchestra(I hated it) and Gov/Econ. instead of gov/econ I now have ethics/philosophy which promises to be a much easier although more interesting class. instead of orchestra I dont have a first hour which means I will be able to sleep in an extra hour everyday for the rest of the semester. well, I'll talk to you all later. peace.

death bed

hey everyone, this is stevie. It is now approx. 10 hours and 30 minutes until my surgery on my neck. as you can tell I am definitely looking forward to it with wide open arms. well I guess I will talk to all of you later unless...

Sunday, January 18, 2004

Up at "the lake"
Today marked the end of "Snow Village season" and we took down all our houses, stores, and cabins. Before I was willing to see it go, I got a cheap digital camera at Target (from the toy department, for $20) and snapped some pictures of the scene. Then, for fun I made the panorama above, adding in some "real" scenery... think of it as sort of a virtual Island Lake.